Author Submission Guidelines
In order to join in the EEITE’2025 conference, participating and presenting your research work, you can submit either the corresponding full paper (strongly suggested) or just your presentation abstract. Nevertheless only accepted peer-reviewed full papers will be included in the conference proceedings, according to the IEEE standards. In case of plain abstract submission, your presentation’s title will just be present in the conference program.
Authors are invited to submit original contributions on all ΕΕΙΤΕ-related aspects within the technical areas listed here. Only full 2-column, with minimum 4 pages – papers, prepared according to ΙΕΕΕ paper templates will be peer-reviewed and checked for plagiarism using the IEEE CrossCheck portal. Papers should be uploaded in PDF-format through the online conference system beforeSunday 9 of February 2025Friday 28 February 2025The presenters, who would like to benefit from a publication to the proceedings volume, should prepare and submit their full paper of their presentation, ready for peer review, before the deadline. Final versions of accepted full papers which will be presented at oral or poster sessions at EEITE 2025, will be submitted for publication in the IEEE Xplore® database. The Best Symposium Paper and Best Student paper will be selected by the International Steering Committee and awarded at the conference dinner.
Please follow instructions regarding the preparation of your paper in IEEE Manuscript Templates for Conference Proceedings
Please download the full paper template file in Microsoft Word:A4 (DOC, 30 KB)
US letter (DOC, 30 KB)
The deadline for the submission of the full papers or extended abstracts is
Sunday 9 of February 2025Friday 28 February 2025Registration fees – EEITE 2024
* For Publication in the Conference Proceedings by IEEE and indexing in IEEExplore, Scopus, Google Scholar, etc (after peer review), with 2 Coffee-breaks per day and a Banquet:
250 EUR (for registration until April 13, 2025) or 300 EUR (for registration after April 13, 2025)Banquet: We have arranged a Banquet for all of you on June 5, 21:00
Refund Policy:
Until April 13, 2025, 50% of the registration fees are refundable
After April 13, 2025, no refund is possibleParticipants are welcome to:
– choose between oral (20 minutes including time for questions or poster presentation of their work,
– suggest for a plenary talk (30 minutes in length with additional time for questions) in special topics in the key areas of the conference.Authors have to register in the EEITE 2025 to present their abstract/paper in the conference.
The deadline for the reduced registration fee is
Sunday 13 of April 2025
.* Students from HMU should register their participation at