Special Session 3

Digital technologies in the agrifood value chain: From precision agriculture to advanced processing and sustainable distribution

Dr Argyropoulos is a highly experienced academic with proven solid project leadership experience at EU, national and industrial level. He has developed collaborative multi-disciplinary research programmes with industry and has led several national and EU funded international research consortia. He is Principal Investigator in 10 ongoing European projects on sustainable and digitised agri-food value chains (Watson, Farmtopia, GOOD, NanoCosmos, EU4Advice, Oenotrace, Mushnomics, SpectroFood, Poease, Foster-xR). He is currently leading the €11 million Horizon Europe Watson project, an interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary project of 45 partners across 20 countries addressing the application of digital and intelligence-based technologies on food authenticity and traceability across the supply chain.

He is a member of various European agri-food tech and engineering networks, societies and associations e.g., advisory board member of the H2020 DIVA project ‘Boosting innovative digitech value chains for agrofood, forestry and environment’; steering committee member of the IEEE Transactions on AgriFood Electronics (TAFE); associate editor of Elsevier Journal on Smart Agricultural Technology (SAT); associate editor of Elsevier Journal on Computers and Electronics in Agriculture (COMPAG); member of the Association of German Engineers (Max Eyth Society for Agricultural Engineering); member of the European Society of Agricultural Engineers (EurAgEng); associate editor (Machinery Systems) of the American Society of Agricultural & Biological Engineers (ASABE).